
A quick update on Firefox: version 41

By Jordan / August 30, 2015 /

I recently decided to try Firefox again after this failure from a couple years back at just measly little v16. I’m now on v41 and have largely found many of the same issues, such as the fact that the ugly UI elements are still there. The tab bar is still way too tall… why do…

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High CPU use caused by SystemUIServer?

By Jordan / May 4, 2013 /

I’ve been plagued by this issue for months now wherein the SystemUIServer daemon on Mac OS X 10.8.x has been consuming massive amounts of CPU. The visible results of this process acting up were: Laggy performance in applications — Spotlight in particular The clock not updating the time (switched to the iStat Menus clock to…

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Firefox: 16 versions later, still fails at the details

By Jordan / September 12, 2012 /

There once was a time in my pre-Mac days when Firefox was the only browser I would use. IE blew chunks (it mostly still does) and Google Chrome wasn’t even a browser yet, so anything to avoid the toolbar-palooza that was Internet Explorer was right by me. Then came Chrome, promising per-tab processes to avoid…

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By Jordan / May 13, 2012 /

There happens to be a lot of websites and postings of funny or strange website CAPTCHA codes. Most of the time, they’re because of amusing or odd combinations of words that were provided for user input, but today I got one that was quite unexpected! Check it out:   I mean, I guess it’s going for…

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