
Moving your calendars from MobileMe to iCloud

By Jordan / October 14, 2011 /

If you recently completed the great move of 2011, from MobileMe to iCloud and your Apple ID uses a different email address than your MobileMe email, then you’ve likely now discovered the odd duality that is your new iCloud account. Following the transition, I was left with two iCloud accounts: The primary iCloud account appropriately…

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Rogers: I don’t hate you, I hate your policies.

By Jordan / October 12, 2011 /

Here we go again. Another Rogers ‘experience’ in the bag and another decision to avoid using Rogers. I mentioned in my last rant about Rogers (iPhone Unlocking Policy) that I would very likely be buying my next phone outright simply to avoid being forced to keep Rogers as my carrier. Well that time is here…

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Why I stopped using Google+

By Jordan / August 18, 2011 /

My feelings towards Google+ were best described by Alex Albrecht on an episode of Diggnation a few weeks back when he said “I’m hesitantly optimistic [about Google+].” In other words, I’m hesitant because Google Buzz didn’t do much for me along with a ton of other Google services that were overhyped and under-delivered. Wave, anyone?…

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Gary Vaynerchuk on Doing What You Love

By Jordan / July 18, 2011 /

This is a great video from a few years back about doing what you love that was shared with me by my partner in crime, Adam Bate. Completely worth the watch – it’s only 15 minutes! The general idea: Do what you love and put your passion into it. Don’t think about how to get…

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